Tuesday 20 May 2014

Fun with Everyone's Favourite Figwits

Two stories I noticed today about UKIP politicians forced to apologise for saying what they really think.  First, party leader Nigel Farage backpeddles his comments about Romanian neighbours:
Nigel Farage has expressed “regret” for controversial remarks he made about Romanians, saying he was “completely tired out” during an interview.
Initially, he insisted that he stood by his words, saying that people had a "perfect right" to be concerned if a group of Romanians moved in next door.
He told BBC News: "I regret the fact that I was completely tired out and I didn't use the form of words in response that I would have liked to have used.
Personally, when I regret saying something when tired it's because it is what I actually believe, unfiltered by civility.  But that's just me.

Then, Gordon Ferguson, a candidate running in Lancashire, elevated the political discourse by accusing the three main parties and their supporters of treason, before deciding he didn't want to stand by those comments either:
Mr Ferguson wrote: “The Lib-Lab-Cons have conspired with a foreign power, the EU, and are all thereby guilty of treason. They have sold Britain, which is the fifth largest economy, illegally into increasing slavery inside the EU dictatorship. Those responsible should be hung by the neck until dead.” 
Mr Ferguson, who is running for Cambridge ward in Southport, Lancashire, added: “If you vote for any of the three Lib- Lab- Con- parties you will be aiding and abetting them and you will also be guilty by association of treason against our nation. No-one should knowingly support a corrupt organisation.”
I can't imagine why he wasn't out and ready to stick to this line in the face of national scrutiny.

Is it mandatory to quote Voltaire?

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